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다이어트/비타민D/체중 감량 더 좋아? Diet ! Vitamin D, Losing Weight the Better !!

카테고리 없음

by Knowledge Information 2020. 10. 30. 11:12


When you're on a diet...the more vitamin D you have, the better you lose weight

Interest in vitamin D is increasing as research results show that lack of vitamin D increases the risk of contracting the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19). US President Donald Trump is also known to have taken vitamin D while receiving remdesivir and antibody drugs for the treatment of Corona 19.

Studies show that 85-90% of the vitamin D we get from nature comes from sunlight, and only 10-15% of the vitamin D we get from food. Natural sources of vitamin D include cod, salmon, sardines, mackerel, tuna, and other fish and fish liver oil, egg yolk, mushrooms, and milk.

However, it is very difficult to maintain vitamin D levels with these foods alone. For this reason, some experts recommend taking vitamin D supplements.
Regarding this vitamin D, research shows that the higher the blood level of this vitamin, the more weight you can lose. Even if you try to lose weight by controlling your diet, the effect may vary depending on the level of vitamin D in your blood.

A research team at the University of Minnesota in the U.S. had 38 overweight men and women on a diet with 750 calories less per day for 11 weeks. The research team investigated the effect of vitamin D concentration by measuring blood vitamin D concentration, body fat distribution, and body weight before and after the participants' diet.

As a result, it was found that the weight loss effect had a proportional relationship with vitamin D. Abdominal fat also decreased with more vitamin D. Most of the overweight participants were found to be deficient in vitamin D.

It means that "when you lose weight by reducing the amount you eat, If you supplement vitamin D, it can be more effective for weight loss," the researchers said, "But we still need more clinical trials to make sure that we need vitamin D supplements for weight loss."

The results of this study (Successful Weight Loss With Dieting Is Linked To Vitamin D Levels) were presented at the conference of the American Endocrinology Society.

"Corona 19 patients 82% vitamin D deficiency"

A study found that more than 80% of patients hospitalized for COVID-19 lacked vitamin D levels.
According to foreign media such as Forbes on the 27th (local time), a research team from Jose Hernandez, a research team at the University of Cantabria, Spain, investigated 216 patients with Corona 19 hospitalized in Marques de Valdesilla Hospital in Santander, Spain in March of this year. (vitamin D)Was deficient. (the patients 82.2%)

Male patients had lower average levels of vitamin D than female patients.

The research team found that patients with low vitamin D levels showed more inflammatory reactions in the body and tended to stay hospitalized longer.

The research team said, "This study reveals that there is a correlation between vitamin D levels and Corona 19 infection," but said, "Vitamin D deficiency is not a direct cause of increasing the likelihood of corona 19 infection."

The research team advised, "It is good to check and treat vitamin D deficiency in high-risk people, such as the elderly, patients with underlying diseases, and nursing home patients."

Vitamin D can be produced naturally when exposed to sunlight, or it can be obtained by eating oily fish and eggs.

This study was published in the International Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolic Journal published by the American Endocrinology Society.

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